
Opioid Treatment | Opioid Addiction Treatment Options | Opioid Rehab

Addiction can be defined as the uncontrollable want to use a substance irrespective of the injurious effects it has on the human mind and body. This happens because the body gets used to the external and heightened stimuli it receives from the substance. Once a person falls into a spiral of an addictive disorder, the way he/she exploits the substance is not in their control. This boosted stimulus becomes the “new normal” for the body, thereby making it tough to quit. Therefore, addiction is a multi-level disease that has long-lasting effects and obstructs an individual’s everyday life. Sudden opposition to the substance can lead to distress and withdrawal symptoms that can end up doing more harm.

Drug and Alcohol addiction in Florida is a major cause for concern as drug addictions are becoming increasingly common. The number of deaths caused by drugs and alcohol abuse in Florida is higher than the national average. Moreover, Florida is one of the few states in the United States that has experienced an acute opioid crisis.

Opioids are a type of drug that is naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Opioids are either made directly from the plant, or are made in labs using the same chemical structure. They are often used as medicines as they contain chemicals that relieve pain and relax the body. Opioids tend to make the user feel very relaxed, and “high”, thus they are often used for non-medical reasons, which can be very dangerous, as they can get highly addictive. Heroin is one the most dangerous opioids.

Commonly misused opioids are Vicodin, morphine, codeine, Fentanyl, etc. Opioids that are used for pain relief are safe when used for a short time, as prescribed by the doctor, however they are misused when the medicine is taken in a way or dosage other than the way its prescribed, when someone else’s medicine is taken and/or when the medicine is taken simply without an actual cause.

Opioids are commonly misused by the person, swallowing, crushing or opening and dissolving the powder of the pill/capsule. It is injected or snorted too. When one takes an opioid, the medicine binds and activates the opioid receptors that are present in cells located in areas of the brain, spinal cord, and other organs; they especially bind to those parts of the cell that are involved with pain and pleasure. Once the opioid attaches itself to the receptors, they block any pain signals that is sent from the brain to the body, and signals the release of large amounts of dopamine. The high inflow of dopamine gives the user a high, thus reinforcing the user to abuse the medicine.

Effects of Opioids On Body and Brain

Opioids have several effects on the brain, such as drowsiness, nausea, confusion, paranoia. It can also cause hypoxia; that is, when too little oxygen reaches the brain. At the event of an opioid overdose, the person is immediately given naloxone, a medicine that works to rapidly bind with the opioid receptors blocking the effect of the opioid drug. However proper treatment for opioid addiction is as follows:

Opioid Withdrawal Treatment Options

Treating an opioid addiction involves a two-step treatment; it involves medicines, and behavioral therapies and use of medicine to cope. Two medicines, buprenorphine and methadone, work by binding to the same opioid receptors in the brain as the opioid medicines, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Behavioral therapies for addiction to prescription opioids help people modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use, increase healthy lifestyle, and persist with other forms of treatment, such as medication.

Therapy has a number of aims, mainly to show clients how they can cope with the temptation to use opioids in times of stress or boredom with daily life; to help them understand the thought and behavioral patterns that brought them to the point of using opioids; and to show how to lead productive and fulfilling lives without the need of drugs like opioids.

Depending on whatever route one chooses to take up, the road to recovery is a long, unique process. Each individual responds and reacts differently, thus there is no definite recovery route or method that is best. However, that being said, the best way towards recovery is by taking oneself out of their current situation. Being away from the environment that pushed the individual into abuse, has a higher result of positive recovery. Therefore, destination treatment is a viable option to choose from. Recovering in the lap of serene nature, in luxurious comfort, away from one’s day to day stress, enables faster results, and greater peace of mind, as one does not have to worry about the additional external pressure they may face from those rooting for them, because recovery is a process that has its good and bad days, thus having its own ups and downs.

If you are looking for a single client specific confidential opioid treatment centers in Florida, our treatment specialist can help you in finding the most suited one. 

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