
Meth Treatment | Methamphetamine treatment | Meth Rehab Centers

Addiction can be defined as the compulsive need to use a substance despite the detrimental effects it has on the human mind and body. This happens because the body gets used to the external and enhanced stimuli it receives from the substance. Once an individual faces an addictive disorder, the way he/she abuses the substance is not in their control. This enhanced stimuli because the new normal for the body, thereby making it hard to quit. Therefore, addiction is a multi-faceted disease that has chronic affects and hampers an individual’s day to day life. Sudden resistance to the substance can lead to distress and withdrawal symptoms that can end up doing more harm.
Meth Treatment

Methamphetamine is a potent central nervous system stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug. Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it that is, inhaling through the nose, smoking it or injecting it with a needle. Some even take it orally. It is generally pale blue in color. It looks like fragments of glass or rocks, and thus is commonly known by the name ice too. Crystal meth is used by individuals of all ages, but is most commonly used as a “club drug,” taken while partying in night clubs or at rave parties, as it has energizing effects. Meth floods the nervous system and penetrates the brain. It gives a sense of euphoria upon inhalation, and remains in the patients system; typically its effects last for six to eight hours, however, depending upon the individual, effects can prolong up to twenty-four hours. Over a period of time, it causes rewriting of the brains reward and pleasure centers.

Meth is known as one of the most devastating drugs in the market, it derives its effectiveness by forcing the brain to pump and release more dopamine- a neurotransmitter that induces sense of satisfaction- than is normal and healthy. Gradually, meth destroys the dopamine receptors in the brain, rendering the patient incapable of experiencing pleasure without abusing the drug. Meth tends to become the center of the users’ life; he/she tends to spend time, energy and resources on acquiring meth. Daily obligations seem bleak, as all energy is directed towards acquiring and abusing the Drug. Treatment and Rehabilitation can bring restoration, but there is a significant risk of permanent cognitive impairment if meth use is unchecked.

Meth has an impact that goes beyond psychological doings, it causes severe weight loss, as meth tends to shut down the brain’s hunger center; dehydration, sleep deprivation, various skin conditions and abscesses, weakening of bones, and decrease libido. Meth also poses behavioral changes, like paranoia, social isolation, hallucinations, aggression and mood swings. The stimulant properties of meth often compel the user to try out unwarranted and risky, impulsive behavior.

Meth Addiction Treatment:

Meth Addiction Treatment
Addictive disorders require specialized attention and treatment in order to re-establish normalcy in the users’ life; a good cure option, is one, which is customized or tailor made to the patients concerns, in order to achieve best results of sobriety. While addictions can have life altering impacts, luckily, like most illnesses, addiction too can be treated. Full recovery is not only possible, but in fact is very common.

California offers numerous treatment options for Drug and alcohol Addiction. However the first step of treatment belongs from within; self-acceptance of the situation is the bedrock of a healthy and positive recovery journey. Once that is achieved, one can seek help and chose a path that best suit his/her needs. Currently there are nearly 1120 registered rehabilitation centers in California, these include residential treatment facilities.

The treatment for Meth addiction can be two pronged. It involves the process of detoxification and purging of the physical presence of meth from the users’ body, and help the body acclimatize to function without using. Treatment addresses the psychological damage done by meth by repairing the mind, body and soul.

Meth addiction requires long lasting residential care and treatment in a facility that provides an environment that is accepting, close to nature, with trained experiential counselors and professionals , wherein the only responsibility is towards oneself. The work done is on oneself through sharing, meditation, journaling in a format that enables one to deal with un-resolved emotions which are the core issuers. This has to occur post detox, considering the long term damage that meth can cause to the brain and body, thereby allowing the process to happen at the individual’s own pace and ability . The goal of treatment is to not find the need to use; strengthening oneself to deal with life’s realities , find joy within oneself during treatment and thereby later lead a fulfilling life.

Depending on whatever route one chooses to take up, the road to recovery is a long, unique process. Each individual responds and reacts differently. However, that being said, the best way towards recovery is by taking oneself out of their current situation. Being away from the environment that pushed the individual into abuse, has a higher result of positive recovery. Therefore, destination treatment is a viable option to choose from. Recovering in the laps of serene nature, in luxurious comfort, away from one's day to day stress, enables faster results, and greater peace of mind, as one does not have to worry about the additional external pressure they may face from those rooting for them, because recovery is a process that has its good and bad days, thus having its own ups and downs.

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